Current EcoHealth Ontario E-Bulletin

Webinar! The Business Case for EcoHealth
New Ontario Research Helps Us Estimate the Health Care Savings from Urban Green Infrastructure
By Tom Bowers, MSc

Decision-makers and practitioners have a helping hand quantifying the health savings accrued by greenspaces with the help of new research in the form of three case studies recently published by the Greenbelt Foundation and EcoHealth Ontario (EHO) in collaboration with Green Analytics. This research is the culmination of several years of work and that draws on the full range of expertise of the EHO partners. The case studies presented are the first of their kind in Ontario to estimate the health care savings from urban green infrastructure. 

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The ECOhealth economic framework applied to this case study in Brampton, Ontario shows how two scenarios for urban tree canopy expansion are linked to improvements in health and wellbeing. These improvement result in health system savings through reduced exposure to extreme heat days, improved air quality and increased physical activity. The annual net benefits are estimated to be between $2.5 million and $3.2 million.

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The ECOhealth economic framework applied to this case study in Peterborough, Ontario shows how the creation of a new urban park is linked to improvements in health and wellbeing. These improvements result in significant health system savings through prevented lost productivity associated with poor health and illness, and reduced mortality. The park will also increase life satisfaction for local communities. The combined value of these worth $4,240,000 annually meaning the health return on investment will pay back the development cost in 1.5 years

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Credit Valley
Punjabi Community Health Services in association with Credit Valley Conservation Authority has developed a mental health program with the goal to engage 200 seniors in nature-based programming. As part of the programming, seniors will have opportunities to engage in mindfulness exercises, yoga in the forest, games using elements of nature and natural materials, poetry, storytelling, singing, and dancing. These surveys are designed to capture the data necessary to populate the economic framework once large gatherings can be held.

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Helping You to Make the Case for More Greenspaces - EcoHealth Ontario's Conceptual Framework
EcoHealth Ontario collaborated with the Greenbelt Foundation and Green Analytics to produce a conceptual framework for practitioners, researchers, and decision-makers to understand the business case for specific greenspace investments and inform policies, programs, and planning decisions that will enhance greenspaces and their beneficial outcomes. This tool can then be used to communicate the business case for more greenspace investments. 
The conceptual framework draws from an extensive literature review to assist users to navigate a decision-making process for establishing the case for greenspace investments. It proposes pathways between greenspace investments and public health outcomes ultimately to economic benefits from savings accrued from healthier people and environments.

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